José Eloy Hortal Muñoz’s activities began in 1997 as part of the group headed by professor Martínez Millán at the UAM. This research group specialized in developing a new method for studying the evolution of early modern European monarchies, in particular that of Spain, using interdisciplinary Court Studies methodology, which regards the Court as a political system. Thanks to this, he was able to consolidate his interests into one clear line of research: the Court of the Netherlands. In addition to which, he has pursued two other lines of enquiry: the royal households of the Spanish Habsburg monarchs, and their royal guards.
Although my research has always been linked to the early modern history, I never have lost my passion for art (in which I am also graduated), especially the Royal Sites, which led to my first job as guide-interpreter at the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. The development of my research using the methodology of Court Studies, recently reflected in my study of Philip IV, which I directed with Professor Martínez Millán, has led me to the point where I now have an opportunity to situate the Royal Sites within the evolution of the Spanish Monarchy as a whole, starting a new research line.
- Research projects as PI:
- “Court culture exchanges between the Iberian Peninsula and the Habsburg Netherlands” Artículo 60 (AR040), URJC and University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), runs from 18/09-27/10/2023, Amount: 2,000 €+IVA, PI together with Oskar Jacek Rojewski and Félix Labrador Arroyo
- Proyecto Puente «Conservar es Innovar. El patrimonio de lo Real a lo Rural: Madrid y su entorno”, URJC (ConInMad/V1254), runs from 01/01-31/12/2023, 22 researchers URJC and other institution in England and Italy, Amount 5,672 €, PI
- Subvention of the Program INVESTIGO for the contract of 93 young people to develop research projects as researchers, technologians, tecnical staff and another I+D+i profiles, research assistant Irene González Blanco (CAM and European Commission funds Next Generation) (V1164), runs from 28/10/2022-27/10/2023, 2 researchers URJC, Amount 34,108,92 €, PI
- Proyecto Puente «Corte y sitios reales: espacios de poder, representación y producción (1650-1750)», URJC (COSIRE/V1065), runs from 01/01-31/12/2022, 15 researchers URJC and other institutions in Portugal, USA and Italy, Amount (3728,13 €), PI together with Félix Labrador Arroyo
- «The Brussels Court in the 17th century: the creation of the Maison royale de Bruxelles and its Royal Chapel», Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique and Universitè de Liège, Séjour de recherche, runs from 01/07/2016 until 31/08/2016, Amount 5.000 € (Prof. Annick Delfosse as promotor)
- «Inventario georreferenciado de patrimonio arquitectónico de España», Artículo 83 V552, FOURTYFOUR SCREENS SPAIN. S.L., URJC and Spanish Ministry of Industry, runs from 01/03/2016 until 31/05/2016, Amount 2.500 €, PI together with Félix Labrador Arroyo
- “La reconfiguración de los espacios cortesanos: los Sitios Reales”, Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, reference HAR 2012-37308-C05-02, 8 researchers URJC, Patrimonio Nacional and Kent University, runs from 01/01/2013 until 31/12/2015, and is coordinated with other three research groups and their projects, Amount 11.700 € (PI since 19/12/2013)
- “The Court of Brussels in the seventeenth century: the creation of the Maison Royale de Bruxelles”, UGent (01T00313), BOF as Verblijf buitenlandse onderzoeker (Visiting foreign researcher), runs from 01/06/2013 until 31/08/2013, Amount 6.655 € (Prof. René Vermeir as promotor)
- “La extensión de la Corte: los Sitios Reales”, URJC, Faculty of Tourism for organizing academical activities, Participants: URJC, UAM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Cedis UNL (Portugal), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, UEM, Patrimonio Nacional, ESAA, Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Universidad de Sevilla, Università degli Studi di Teramo, KU Leuven (Belgium), National Heritage of England, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) and Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments Hofburg (Austria), year 2012, Amount 625 €
- “La Casa de Borgoña de los Austrias hispanos”, URJC, vicerrectorado de investigación, ref. F335, participant institutions- URJC, Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (Belgique), Universiteit Leiden (Netherlands), Università di Torino (Italy), University of Kiel (Germany), UGent, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France), Universidad de Barcelona, UAM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Escolanía del Real Colegio Alfonso XIII, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, CIDEHUS-University of Évora, Universidad de Granada, Instituto de Historia del CSIC, year 2011, Amount 3.918 €
- “Estructura y evolución de la Casa de Borgoña de los Austrias hispanos”, URJC, vicerrectorado de extensión universitaria, participant institutions- URJC, Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (Belgique), Universiteit Leiden (Netherlands), Università di Torino (Italy), University of Kiel (Germany), UGent, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France), Universidad de Barcelona, UAM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Escolanía del Real Colegio Alfonso XIII, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, CIDEHUS-University of Évora, Universidad de Granada, Instituto de Historia del CSIC, year 2011, Amount 1.830 €
- As applicant:
- Proyecto Puente «El patrimonio de lo Real a lo Rural. Madrid y su entorno: Conocer es Innovar», URJC (ColnMad/V1418). Headed by Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC), 12 researchers URJC and other universities, runs from 01/01/2024 until 31/12/2024, Amount: 3.877,5 €
- Red de Investigación “Ceremonia, Fiesta y Coleccionismo en la Monarquía Hispánica. Del final del Medievo a la Edad Moderna (s. XV-XVIII)-CERMFEST”, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (RED2022-134206-T), Headed by María Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya (UJI), 18 researchers of 9 research groups from 9 spanish universities, runs from 01/06/2023 until 31/05/2025), Amount: 20.000,00 €
- Proyecto Puente «La corte se ríe. Humor e ingenio en la sociedad aúlica entre Austrias y Borbones (s. XVI-XVIII)”, URJC (RISA/V1241). Headed by Gijs Versteegen (URJC), 7 researchers URJC, runs from 01/01/2023 until 31/12/2023, Amount: 5.079,93 €
- «España en América y Filipinas: el legado intercultural de la lingüística misionera (V1091)», Art. 83, URJC and Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores. Headed by Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres and Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC), 7 researchers URJC, runs from 19/01/2022 until 18/01/2023, Amount: 16.500 € + IVA
- Proyecto puente «Corte y Sitios Reales: espacios de poder, representación y producción (siglos XVII-XVIII)», URJC (COSREPR/V947). Headed by Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC), 6 researchers URJC, runs from 01/01/2021 until 31/12/2021, Amount: 7.600, 38 €
- “Madrid, Sociedad y Patrimonio: pasado y turismo cultural” (H2019/HUM-5898), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Headed by Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (UAM), composed by 11 researchers of that university, UCM, URJC and UAH, runs from 01/01/2020 until 31/12/2022, Amount: 225.400 €
- “Protection, production and environmental change: the roots of Modern Environmentalism in the Iberian Peninsula (XVI-XVIIIth centuries)” (AZ 60/V/19), Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Headed by Koldo Trápaga Monchet (URJC), 4 researchers URJC, runs from 01/05/2020 until 31/10/2021, Amount: 23.200 €
- “Las raíces materiales e inmateriales del conservacionismo ambiental de la Península Ibérica (SIGLOS XV-XIX)” (V-790), Comunidad de Madrid. Headed by Koldo Trápaga Monchet (URJC), 10 researchers URJC and other universities, runs from 01/01/2020 until 31/12/2021, Amount: 15.000 €
- «DELYRAMUS, Developing Audiences: Music, Luthiers and Mental Healths», European Commission. Headed by Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC), 6 researchers URJC, runs from 01/07/2018 until 30/06/2020, Amount: 36.000 €
- «La herencia de los Reales Sitios: Madrid, de corte a capital (historia, patrimonio y turismo)» (CAM (S2015/HUM-3415), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Headed by José Martínez Millán (UAM), 17 researchers of that university, URJC and UCM, runs from 01/01/2016 until 31/12/2018, Amount: 181.585 €
- “Del Patrimonio Dinástico al Patrimonio Nacional: los Sitios Reales” (HAR2015-68946-C3-3-P), MINECO-FEDER. Headed by Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC), 6 researchers URJC, runs from 01/01/2016 until 31/12/2019, Amount: 47.432 €
- COST action Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings (i2MHB), European Commission, headed by Joao Martins, 97 researchers of different european institutions (academic and non-academic), runs from 01/01/2015 until 31/12/2018, Amount: 244.000 €
- Research Group “La configuración de la Monarquía Hispana a través del sistema cortesano (siglos XIII-XIX): organización política e institucional, lengua y cultura”, de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, reference GE2014-20. Headed by Fernando Suárez Bilbao (URJC), 19 researchers of that institution and UAM, runs from 01/01/2015 until 31/12 /2017, Amount: 9.000 €
- “Conectar Smart Cities y su patrimonio a través de la realidad aumentada”. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos- Universidad de Alcalá – Campus Energía Inteligente. Headed by Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC) and Enrique Castaño Perea (Universidad de Alcalá), 8 researchers of both institutions, runs from 01/01-31/12/2016, Amount: 6,000 € as II prize of the Call
- «Sistemas avanzados para la mejora de la gestión y desarrollo de la docencia en entornos virtuales: URJC on-line”, URJC, reference CAVI 2014/00046/001. Headed by Manuel Gétrudix Barrio (URJC), 10 researchers URJC, runs from 01/04/2014 until 31/12/2016, Amount: 1.200.000 €.
- “La reconfiguración de los espacios cortesanos: los Sitios Reales”, Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, reference HAR 2012-37308-C05-02. Headed by professor Félix Labrador Arroyo (URJC), 8 researchers URJC, Patrimonio Nacional and Kent University, runs from 01/01/2013 until 31/12/2015, and is coordinated with other three research groups and their projects, Amount 11.700 € (until 18/12/2013)
- “La evolución político-institucional de la Casa de las Reinas hispanas (s. XIV-XVI)”, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM)-URJC- Ref. CCG10-URJC/HUM-5662, Félix Labrador Arroyo, 9 researchers URJC and other institutions, runs from 01/01/2011 until 31/12/2011, Amount 10.000 €
- “La contradicción de la Monarquía Católica: la fijación de las ordenanzas y etiquetas cortesanas en el periodo de su declive”, Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación- Ref. HAR2009-12614-C04-02/HIST, Fernando Suárez Bilbao (URJC), 8 researchers URJC, runs from 01/01/2010 until 12/31/2012, Amount 30.250,01 €
- “La Corte en Europa: política y religión (siglos XVI-XVIII)”, URJC-vicerrectorado de investigación, Fernando Suárez Bilbao (URJC), 4 researchers URJC, year 2010, Amount 6.975 €
- “Solo Madrid es Corte…”, CAM- Ref. S2007/HUM-0425, José Martínez Millán (UAM), 70 researchers from different institutions, 01/01/2008-06/01/2012, Amount 266.118 €
- “Corte, consejos y territorios en la Monarquía de Felipe IV”, CAM-UAM, Cód. CCG06-UAM/HUM-0244, Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (UAM), 7 researchers UAM, runs from 01/01/2007 until 31/12/2007, Amount 20.000 €
- “La decadencia de España y la vida italiana en el siglo XVII”, UAM, Ref. HUM2006-11587/, Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (UAM), 10 researchers UAM, runs from 01/01/2006 until 31/12-2009, 21.000 €
- “La Monarquia Católica en la encrucijada: la Casa de Felipe IV”, UAM, Cód. 09/SHD/015, Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (UAM), 6 researchers UAM, runs from 01/01/2005 until 31/12/2005, Amount 36.800 €
2 sexenios of research (2010-15, 2016-21)
- Lecture «El Archivo Histórico Nacional y Felipe IV: Documentos para el estudio de su Casa Real, Sitios Reales y Ceremonial», at the I Ciclo de conferencias de divulgación Amigos del Archivo Histórico Nacional, Tinta, papel y pergamino: El pasado en sus documentos, 7th April 2021
Referee international journals:
- Permanent referee and member of the Editorial Board of the journal Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte (since 2016)
- Permanent referee and member of the Editorial Board of the portuguese journal Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (since 2022)
- Permanent referee of the Spanish journal Libros de la Corte
- Two articles at the Argentinian journal Escuela de historia
- Two articles at the Spanish journal Tiempos Modernos
- Two articles at the Spanish journal Potestas. Estudios del Mundo Clásico y de Historia del Arte
- One article at the English Journal Royal Studies Journal
- One article at the Belgian Journal Bulletin IRPA
- One article at the Czech Journal Medieval Historica Bohemica
- One article at the Spanish journal Hispania
- One article at the Spanish journal Cuadernos de Historia Moderna
- One article at the Spanish journal Obradoiro
- One article at the Spanish journal Estudis
- One article at the Spanish journal Imafronte
- One article at the Spanish journal Historia Autónoma
- One article at the Spanish journal ASRI
- One article at the Spanish journal Manuscrits
Referee international publishers:
- One book at the Belgian publisher Leuven University Press
- One book at the Argentinian publisher EUNSa
- One book at the USA publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Research projects evaluations:
- European Science Foundation (2)
- Belgian-wallonian FNRS (3)
- Belgian-flemish FWO (2)
- Member of the FWO Review College- 2020-22
- Member of the FWO Expert Pool- 2023-27
- COST actions (1)
- KULeuven own research program (1)
- Program Jóvenes investigadores (CAM) (2)
- Agència Valenciana d’Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP)
Member of the following tribunal for electing director of museums:
- Museu Nacional Machado de Castro, Coimbra (Portugal), Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, 2024
Member of the following Ph´d tribunals:
- Miriam Rodríguez Contreras (directed by Carlos Javier de Carlos Morales), Gasto y financiación de la Corte de Felipe IV (1621-1665), UAM, 17th September 2024
- Jordi Comellas Solé (directed by Félix Labrador Arroyo), El arte de la glosa. La viola da gamba en la Italia del Humanismo a través de los tratados (1535-1620), URJC, 15th December 2021
- Miguel Bernal Menéndez (directed by Félix Labrador Arroyo), Giambattista Mancini y su Tratado de Canto Pensieri e Riflessioni pratiche sopra il Canto figurato, URJC, 29th July 2020
- Miguel Ángel Calvo Andrés (directed by Pablo Prieto Dávila and Francisco Reyes Téllez), Arquitectura representativa en las bodegas españolas como creación de imagen de marca, URJC, 19th June 2020
- José Rufino Novo Zaballos (directed by José Martínez Millán), Las Casas Reales en tiempos de Carlos II: la Casa de la reina Mariana de Austria, UAM, 15th january 2016.
- Pierre-François Pirlet (directed by Annick Delfosse), Le confesseur du Prince dans les Pays-Bas espagnols (1598-1659): une fonction, des individus, Universitè de Liège (Belgium), 7th may 2015