Organisation of Conferences and Seminars
- Coorganizer of the following:
- International Conference Una Europa de Palacios (s. XVI-XVIII), Subdirección General de los Archivos, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, URJC, Cátedra Palacio Real de Valladolid de Patrimonio Cultural y Defensa de la Universidad de Valladolid, IULCE (UAM), Ministerio de Defensa. Jefatura de la Cuarta Subinspección General del Ejército, Red CERMFEST, Valladolid (Spain), 13th-14th November 2023 (together with Félix Labrador Arroyo and Manuel Rivero Rodríguez)
- International Conference Court Culture Exchanges between the Courts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Habsburg Netherlands (15th-16th centuries), URJC, Instituto Moll, University of Silesia (Poland), Aranjuez (Spain), 25th-27th October 2023 (together with Ana Diéguez and Oskar Jacek Rojewsky)
- International Conference Female Succession in Late Medieval and Early Modern Monarchy. Contestation, Conflict and Compromise, URJC, University of Purdue, Manchester Metropolitan University, The Society for Court Studies, Aranjuez (Spain), 24th-26th May 2023 (together with Silvia Mitchell, Jonathan Spangler and Félix Labrador Arroyo)
- International Conference El origen de los Sitios Reales en las Coronas Ibéricas: de espacios cortesanos a redes de poder (ss. XIV-XVI), URJC and UNED, Aranjuez (Spain), 15th-17th November 2022 (together with Ana Echevarría Arsuaga and Elena Paulino Montero)
- International symposium Maintaining the Presence of the Prince: Management of Royal Geographies (XIVth-XIXth Centuries), Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, URJC and Universiteit Utrecht, Versailles (France), 15th-17th September 2021 (together with Benjamin Ringot and Merlijn Hurx)
- International symposium Building the Presence of the Prince: The Institutions Related with the Ruler´s Works as Key Elements of the European Courts (XIVth-XVIIth Centuries), Universiteit Utrecht and URJC, Utrecht, 8th-9th November 2019 (together with Merlijn Hurx)
- International Conference Magnificence in the 17th century. Performing Splendour in Catholic and Protestant Contexts, Universiteit Leiden, URJC and Instituto Moll, Madrid (Spain), 7th-9th March 2019 (together with Stijn Bussels, Gijs Versteegen, Bram van Oostenveld and Ana Diéguez)
- Information at the newspaper La Nueva España, 24th February 2019
- Workshop Spanish Royal Geographies in Early Modern Europe and America: Re-Thinking the Royal Sites / Geographies of Habsburg Politics and Religion, University of York-URJC, York (United Kingdom), 4th-5th May 2017 (together with Cordula van Wyhe)
- International Conference IX Conference of Spanish, Belgian and Dutch historians. Institutions of the Habsburg Low Countries (XVI-XVIII c.). In honour of Professor Hugo de Schepper, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen and URJC, Nijmegen (The Netherlands), 26th-27th May 2016 (together with D. Raeymaekers)
- Seminario Internacional Espiritualidad e ideología política en los diferentes espacios cortesanos de la Monarquía Hispana (siglo XVII), URJC and IULCE, Madrid (Spain), 13th-14th November 2014 (together with J. Martínez Millán, M. Rivero Rodríguez and G. Versteegen)
- Seminars Ágora Diálogos (5) and cultural visits Ágora Foro (5), TAI, Madrid (Spain), 1th March-31th May 2013) (together with J. García-Luengo Machado)
- International Conference La Casa de Borgoña de los Austrias hispanos, URJC, Móstoles (Spain), 14th-15th November 2011 (together with F. Lábrador Arroyo)
- National Seminar Ordenanzas y Etiquetas de la Casa Real Hispana, URJC, Móstoles (Spain), 25th January 2011 (together with F. Lábrador Arroyo)
- International Conference A constellation of courts. The households of Habsburg Europe, 1555-1665, UGent, Universiteit Antwerpen and UAM, Brussels (Belgium), 3d-4th November 2006 (together with R. Vermeir and L. Duerloo)
- Secretary of the following international conference:
- La Corte de los Borbones: crisis del modelo cortesano, UAM, Madrid (Spain), 14th-16th December 2011
- Member of the organizer committee of the following international conferences:
- Los Jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII), Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, UAM, URJC and IULCE, Madrid (Spain), 20th-22d June 2011
- International Conference of the network “The Court Studies”, La Corte en Europa: Política y Religión (siglos XVI-XVIII), UAM, URJC and IULCE, Madrid (Spain), 13th-16th December 2010
- La Dinastía de los Austria: las relaciones entre la Monarquía Católica y el Imperio, UAM, URJC, IULCE and Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid (Spain), 2d-4th December 2009
- Centros de poder italianos en la Monarquía Hispánica (siglos XV-XVIII). Arte, música, literatura y espiritualidad, UAM, URJC and IULCE, Madrid (Spain), 10th-12th December 2008
- Las relaciones discretas entre las monarquías hispana y portuguesa: Las casas de las reinas (siglos XV-XIX). Arte, música, espiritualidad y literatura, UAM and IULCE, Madrid (Spain), 11th-14th December 2007
- La corte de Felipe III y el gobierno de la Monarquía Católica, UAM and Fundación Mapfre-Tavera, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid (Spain), 26th-28th May 2005
- Carlos V y la quiebra del humanismo político en Europa (1530-1558), UAM and Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoración de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, Madrid (Spain), 3d-6th July 2000